Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Selective Color Study

            This is a picture of my boyfriend, Luke who is a cadet in the airforce. I first adjusted the hue of the blue and made them a lot brighter then they were in the original photo in order to make them pop in the black and white picture. I am pleased with how this photo turned out and I really like how his uniform stood out. This picture was taken in portrait mode. 

 This is a picture of my friend Megan and her horse Sissy that I took while taking her senior pictures.  I first adjusted the hue of the red to make the dress pop once the picture was changed to black and white. I really like how there is overlapping of the horse's head against her dress. This picture was also taken in portrait mode. 

This picture was taken in my backyard in auto mode. I first increased the saturation of the picture to make sure the flowers popped. The flowers in front are in sharp focus while the leaves and grass in the background are blurred. I really liked the detail of the flowers in this picture.


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