Thursday, September 16, 2010

Moving the focal point

This is my friend Ashley, she is centered in the frame. The picture is decent, but watch what happens as she stays in the same spot, but I move the camera.

In this picture, Ashley has not moved, but I changed where the camera was, you can now see more of the river, and the picture is more interesting.

In this picture, Ashley has still not moved, but I once again moved the focal point, once again, creating a more interesting picture than the first.

In this picture, although Ashley has still not moved, it is an entirely different picture than the first. You see very little of the river, and mostly the rock that she is standing on.

Here is the final picture I took on this location. Now there is no river visible, but Ashley has still  not moved. By moving the camera, and changing where your focal point is located, the picture can change quite a bit.

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