Thursday, September 16, 2010

Motion study 1

This is an image of frozen motion. I used the curve adjustment to increase the brightness and contrast of the picture.

This is again an example of frozen motion. The subject is jumping from a high elevation and I wanted to capture the in-flight motion. I used the Orton effect to bring the subject in focus and blur the foreground.

This a picture of the a lamp. I deliberately shook the camera to create this motion.

 This is a picture of the LED lights on my music player. On the deliberate movement of my camera, the lights created these cool optical designs. :)  

Some more pictures of the movement of the camera in different direction thus creating cool new optical designs.

Here is another cool picture of a night lamp (airplane). The deliberate motion created an illusion that the plane is shooting laser beams.

Some more pictures, of deliberate motion.

This picture was taken in shutter mode. The subject was intend to be in motion thus creating a motion blur.

Another picture of motion blur. I tried to decrease the overexposure by using curve adjustment.

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