Thursday, September 16, 2010

Framing Study

In these photos, I decided to take some pictures of my unique plants again (and yes, they all have names). I thought i'd take advantage of the bad weather we've been having and put the plants on a window sill and took the picture from inside the dark room, with only the very little outside light shining through due to the bad weather.. This gave a silhouette look which I was very pleased with. The window sill created a frame for the subject. I liked the angle of the second picture better then the first.

This picture was taken from the front seat of my car. I had two of my friends sit in the back of the car and shot a picture of their reflection through the rear view mirror. I thought this was an interesting concept, however it did not turn out as well as I would have liked it to. This picture was taken in auto mode and the mirror creates the frame around the subject. 

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