Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Black & White

This is a picture I took of my friend's baby, Nolan. He was laying in his rocker and fell asleep so I decided to snap the picture quick before he woke up. I also didn't position his hand like that, he did it on himself so I thought it made a cute picture. This was taken in portrait mode and I changed the photo to black and white and adjusted the brightness & contrast. This is one of my favorite pictures that i've taken.

This picture was is also of Nolan, but was taken before he took his nap. I really like his expression on his face and the drool on his lip is cute. I like the contrast and brightness in this picture as well.

This is a picture I took of Luke in portrait mode. I like this picture a lot more in black and white then I did in color because I think the tension and intensity comes through better in black and white. I increased the contrast a little bit and adjusted the highlights so the shadows on his face and eyes stood out better.

This is a picture of my friend Jake. His family owned the Morley LongBranch restaurant that recently unfortunately, burned down. Jake wanted to take some pictures in the ruins of the restaurant for a memorial. This picture is of the Jake looking in the front door which is now closed off. I think that this photo has a lot of emotion behind it because I know that the LongBranch really meant a lot to Jake and his family. I was really pleased with this picture and it looks much better in black and white then in color.

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