Sunday, September 19, 2010

Curves & Levels

The first three sets are pictures corrected by the use of the curves adjustment. I find the curves adjustment to work the best between the adjustments; however, it is very hard to correct an overexposed picture using either adjustment.

I love the brilliance of sunflowers. I chose to get up close to take this picture and use a shallow depth of field to blur the background. I was able to show great detail with my adjustment which makes the picture more vibrant.

This underexposed picture almost looks like there is a film laid over the picture.

As I mentioned above, overexposed pictures are very hard to correct especially ones that have a subject along with the sky. The brightness of the sky may not allow for a proper correction. I was hoping to adjust the sky area a little more in this picture; however, when I tried to, it made the other areas look distorted. I am pleased about the detail in the vines and building.

The brightness of the sky behind the trees in this picture is an example of a difficult overexposed area to correct.

This is the full picture of the partial barn from above. It is an old barn on our road that I find to be interesting. We have been considering the use of parts of it as a different background option for our seniors, but I can't figure out how to convince them to stand in the tall grass around there without the notion of a snake climbing up their leg.

I enjoyed peeling the "film" off of this photo.

The next three sets have been adjusted in levels. These took some time to adjust.

I ended up ditching my first set of sunflower pictures for the levels adjustment and chose another one to adjust. I am still not completely happy with this one, but I feel there is a more noticeable difference in this set compared to the other one I did.

With the overexposure and the levels adjustment, I wasn't able to get the green in the leaves that I accomplished in the first set of curves.

I know my "theme" for many of these photos involves old barns and sheds, but I thought my mom's flower and decoration set up infront of the shed was picture worthy.

Even though this was an underexposed photo, I had the same problem with a lighter spot on the roof of buildings to the right of the shed. I decided to crop the photo so that building wouldn't be in there.

The adjustment was extremely hard to do on this picture. It is not perfect, but it is better. The colors seem to be very rich. As you can see, I had a very cooperative subject. She actually stood up as soon as I came over and looked at me the entire time I was taking pictures.

I not only worked to get an overexposed picture, but I positioned my subject to be framed in the feeding ring that is standing in the background.

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