Sunday, October 17, 2010


Here are my blending photos. I used either a normal blend with adjustment on fill, an overlay, or a screen blend on these; however, I forgot to mark down what I did to each specific one, so I can't tell you which has what. I thought I could go back and look, but once you merge those layers, it is gone! Live and learn.

I included the original to show the difference once blended.

I changed this photo to black and white and used my tile floor texture to create a picture that looks old and wrinkled.

This is one of our three cats. I liked how the carpet texture and the masking out of her creates a totally different picture as far as background.

I chose to turn this one black and white too and added a hint of tint to make it look a lot older.

I got really confused on this one. I tried quick selecting and filling with my bucket tool, but it looked funny. I think the blend is actually covering the whole picture, but you only see the texture in the sky which is what I was going for in the first place.

I used my blanket texture to add to the background area in this picture. I was able to use the quick select tool and then use the bucket tool to fill the flower area.

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