Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Architecture Study 1 -Denyse Schoellig

 This picture was taken in the barn we are restoring. In this photo is my Grandfather, My Great Uncle, and 3 of my brothers.They are sawing lumber that they got from our woods and ran it threw a saw mill.
 This was the funniest bird feeder I have ever seen, the bottom is made from an old grill and the top was made out of some old wood.
 This bird house was neat made from half of a cinder block, pieces of old wood, and a rock. It seemed really neat and there was another house made out of the other half of the cinder block near this house.
 This picture was taken on vacation and I took out all the color because I thought it made it look older. It had been restored sense it was last used.
This picture was also taken on vacation and this light house was neat because there was a store built around it on the bottom where you could go in and shop.

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