Monday, November 1, 2010

Formal, Within Environment, Informal Portraits - Michaela Young


This is Colin, one of my nephews. I like formals that don't actually look at the camera. After I cleaned around his mouth, I decided to blur the background to focus attention solely on Colin.

I took this picture of Michael outside one night as we were trying to get our dog Sammie to sit next to him for a picture. Sammie didn't want to cooperate. I didn't have to do many adjustments to this one except for cleaning up his sleeve and converting to black and white.

It took me a long time to get this picture because of the lighting. I finally used a strobe with a softbox to light a bigger area in her room. I was first trying to work with two speedlights, but the directness was too much. I chose this picture as a formal because it was taken at a different angle which interested me.

This is Tyler, my other nephew. He was very willing to help the day I was taking pictures. I had to clean up around the mouth including removing some gum that he held in his mouth. I enjoy seeing his smile and brightness in his eyes for this picture.

Within Environment

I think this is my most favorite of my within environment pictures. This is Tyler again. When I mentioned taking pictures outside, he disappeared on me and returned in full gear. He has a homemade slingshot and is "hunting" his prey.

This picture and the next go hand and hand. This is my husband, Keith, the real photographer. His environment is our studio with the multitude of studio equipment around him. He is not one to sit for a picture normally.

This picture of Keith shows the other end of the photo process. He spends much more time processing pictures and updating our webpage. On the bigger screen, you can see one of the pictures that he took and is processing.

These next three are of Ashley, a typical teenager. They show her environment of her in her room with music, her computer, and lounging. I know I had enough within environment pictures, but these were pretty good and if I didn't use some from torturing her, I wouldn't hear the end of it. I did have to lighten this one some even though I used the strobe with softbox. In all of the pictures, I removed all of her acne and smoothed the face. I also liked how she didn't look so posed for the camera even though she was looking at me in the first two. She seemed relaxed. However, Ash is a true model as she can turn those smiles on on a dime.


This informal picture might seem to be posed, but it was very spontaneous. This is Colin and my sister, Erin. I thought this was one of the better non-planned pictures that I took. Colin was the only one that I worked on; his mouth was all Kool Aid. I chose to turn this to black and white because my sister loves those type of photos.

The brothers! I can't believe they weren't fighting. Faces were cleaned up again, but I also had to work with Tyler's lip. He had gum hanging on the one side again as he smiled. This time I used the clone tool to work the gum into his lip area. Then I tried to bring the shininess back in to that area to resemble what the other side looked like.

This is another one of my favorites because Colin had created his own pose with an added feature of an "eye patch." His closed eye is his eye patch. He has quite the imagination. For this one, I did have to remove a shadow that ran in a straight line across his forehead. And I cleaned up his mouth again and his knee to remove the grass stains. The jean area isn't perfect because it is hard to match the jean texture.

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