Monday, August 23, 2010


This is the space that we will be using to share our photos throughout the class. Once you post your photos, other people will be able to comment on them, and you should also be commenting on your classmate's photos. Getting a sense of how people react to your images is one of the best ways that you can learn to be a better photographer.

You can also use this space to share information about your photographs. For example, here is a portrait that I took last weekend:

Here are some facts about this photo:
1. The subject of the portrait is my wife, Ginger.
2. The setting of the portrait is our living room.
3. The photo was shot with a compact telephoto lens, at a 55mm focal length, with autofocus.
4. The photo was shot using a Hoya 720 infrared filter: this filter blocks out most visible light so that the exposure is made using only infrared, invisible light.
5. The aperture was set to 5, and the exposure time was 20 seconds. The long exposure was necessary because of the filter.
6. A rear sync flash was used. The flash fires near the end of the exposure to freeze the subject, helping the focus to be slightly crisper.
7. The resulting image looked a bit like this:

8. The image was processed using Photoshop CS4. I did a black and white conversion, using the default pre-sets. I followed that with a curves adjustment to lighten the image and add contrast. After that, I added a noise layer to restore some of the grain, and cropped out some distracting and unnecessary areas of the photo. I resized the image to a more manageable size and saved it as a .psd file and also saved it as a web-friendly .jpg, which makes it easy to upload to sites like this.

I'm looking forward to seeing your photos here soon, and reading what you have to say about them.

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