Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Island Shots and Exposure Study 1

The first six pictures were taken on the island close to campus. The first picture in each set of three was taken in program mode. The next in the series is taken in shutter priority mode as an over exposure. And the last is under exposed in shutter priority mode.

The last set of nine were taken at my home. I realized that my pictures on the island weren't exactly correct, so I reshot some pictures in the proper form.

Program Mode - Shutter 320

Shutter Priority - Shutter 8

Shutter Priority - Shutter 2000

Program Mode - Shutter 60

Shutter Priority - Shutter 10

Shutter Priority - Shutter 250

Program Mode - Shutter 160 - (ISO 100 for all)

Manual Mode - Shutter 80

Manual Mode - Shutter 320

Shutter Priority - Shutter 100

Shutter Priority - Shutter 200

Shutter Priority - Shutter 320

Shutter Priority - Shutter 60

Shutter Priority - Shutter 40

Shutter Priority - Shutter 20

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