Sunday, August 29, 2010

Portrait Study - Partner Project

The following photos were taken on our second day of class. We were instructed to set our cameras to fully automatic and snap a few shots in areas that we felt would work for a nice informal pose. I tried several different areas. I found that my pictures could have been better if the sun wasn't so bright. The sun caused shadows and had my subject squinting for several of the pictures.

This picture shows my first attempt at portrait study, and the sun made it hard for my partner not to squint.

I tried moving my subject to an area that wouldn't have the sun shining directly in his eyes and that presented a nice background. The background was okay but not exactly what I was looking for. The sun still was an issue.

I really like the composition of this picture with the trees lining the sides and creating a canopy over top, the sidewalk creating a lane that leads you through the canopy, and my subject being the center of it all. I would like to have it more straightened next time though.

This is another of my favorites. I feel the rail serves as a good prop and helps to focus attention on my subject.

This picture for example shows a few of those shadows that I spoke about in the beginning. A different pose my have helped to lessen them.

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