Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Island Shots and Exposure Study 1

The first six pictures were taken on the island close to campus. The first picture in each set of three was taken in program mode. The next in the series is taken in shutter priority mode as an over exposure. And the last is under exposed in shutter priority mode.

The last set of nine were taken at my home. I realized that my pictures on the island weren't exactly correct, so I reshot some pictures in the proper form.

Program Mode - Shutter 320

Shutter Priority - Shutter 8

Shutter Priority - Shutter 2000

Program Mode - Shutter 60

Shutter Priority - Shutter 10

Shutter Priority - Shutter 250

Program Mode - Shutter 160 - (ISO 100 for all)

Manual Mode - Shutter 80

Manual Mode - Shutter 320

Shutter Priority - Shutter 100

Shutter Priority - Shutter 200

Shutter Priority - Shutter 320

Shutter Priority - Shutter 60

Shutter Priority - Shutter 40

Shutter Priority - Shutter 20

Monday, August 30, 2010

Rob from class

Photos 2 & 3

Both photos were taken outside of Wicks Hall and cropped to 6x4. There was no other editing.

First Assingment - A.J. Kellison

This is my partner in different poses that i thought would look interesting. My favorite would have to be the one on the left. she was about jump off of an object when i thought the pose looked cool, so I shot it real quick.

Homework 1.3

Subject: Kameron McMillan and passing skateboarder
Modifications: Cropped to 6x4in to cut out extra trees and increase contrast for deeper colors.
Location: Campus Quad

Homework 1.2

Subject: Kameron McMillan
Modifications: Crop to 6x4in for a wider view in crased brightness slightly.
Location: Bench in the Campus quad.

Homework 1

Subject: Kameron McMillan
Modifications: I increased the contrast on this image and cropped it to be a 4x6in image so that it was portrait style.
Location: Walkway to French Hall

Assignment #1 - Laura Noboa

This is a photo of shakeisha mclennan, I took it in the gazebo behind the southwest library. i cropped and re sized it to 4 by 6

This photo was also infront of the southwest library, i re sized it to 6 by 4

Profile Picture

I took this picture in the middle of  Roselle Plaza. I originally liked this picture because AJ was in focus but the background was not, unfortunately once I cropped it, majority of the background was lost.

Nice day for pictures...

I took this picture of my partner in front of Neveldine.

I took this picture of my partner in front of Neveldine.

I took this picture of my partner in front of Neveldine.

Battle of Epic Proportions

I took this picture of my two partners arm-wrestling each other in Roselle plaza. This picture was cropped to 6x4 and set it to 72 pixels/per inch for resolution.

Scaling the Wall

I took this picture of my partner in Roselle Plaza, by the rock wall, near French hall. I cropped the picture to 4x6 and set the resolution to 72 pixels/inch.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

If I ever get out of this place.

I changed the resolutions to 72, and cropped a small portion of the right side. I also tweaked the levels.

Say Cheese

I left this photo un-cropped and did some enhancements to the levels.


This is my classmate Rob, I wanted to do close up shot. I enhanced the levels and did some minor cropping to the photo. Then resized the resolution to 72 and resized to a 4x6.

Portrait Study - Partner Project

The following photos were taken on our second day of class. We were instructed to set our cameras to fully automatic and snap a few shots in areas that we felt would work for a nice informal pose. I tried several different areas. I found that my pictures could have been better if the sun wasn't so bright. The sun caused shadows and had my subject squinting for several of the pictures.

This picture shows my first attempt at portrait study, and the sun made it hard for my partner not to squint.

I tried moving my subject to an area that wouldn't have the sun shining directly in his eyes and that presented a nice background. The background was okay but not exactly what I was looking for. The sun still was an issue.

I really like the composition of this picture with the trees lining the sides and creating a canopy over top, the sidewalk creating a lane that leads you through the canopy, and my subject being the center of it all. I would like to have it more straightened next time though.

This is another of my favorites. I feel the rail serves as a good prop and helps to focus attention on my subject.

This picture for example shows a few of those shadows that I spoke about in the beginning. A different pose my have helped to lessen them.